The Truth About Cancelled Orders

The Truth About Cancelled Orders

That is the STATUS of all website book orders that don’t make it through the shopping cart process. I don’t know what kicks the Order to Cancel mode except that a payment card may have expired OR the exact number of the card wasn’t inputted right, OR...

Dead Doctors (and Soil Tests) Don’t Lie

The women (Dana & Sara) who filmed the BtE documentary have posted a follow-up on Mark Macomber. His family lives in PA and his garden is as old as the film (11-12yrs). Watch his 6min video on the testing of his garden soil. Want calcium in your soil? You have to...
New Paperback Now AVAILABLE!

New Paperback Now AVAILABLE!

After two SOLD OUT paperback print runs, we now have a Revised and Updated 2nd Edition of Paul Gautschi’s biography. People from all over the globe have waited years to get a copy to hold and read, Demand for a physical book got so bad that used books were...
NEW 2nd Edition PRINTED!

NEW 2nd Edition PRINTED!

After two years, death of my only sibling + executor duties, catching COVID-lite (praise God), the general pandemic pandemoneum, six rounds of editing, three rounds of pre-press, a one-month hold time in the printer’s queue, and a shipping delay…the NEW...
NEW 2nd Edition PRINTED!

2nd Edition DRUMROLL…

Hi Friends, I just talked to the rep at the printers (Brian). He confirmed that the 2nd edition print run should be done by Thursday, May 6th. That’s only 2 1/2 weeks away! When I get their Invoice and make the shipping payment, they will ship the pallet(s) to...
Time For the 2nd Edition!

Time For the 2nd Edition!

You all have been so patient! Thanks so much. Months ago, I asked Paul about whether to try and do a 3rd printing of the SOLD out original book. He encouraged me to consider a 2nd edition because he has learned so much in the last 5 years.The same amount of printing...