That is the STATUS of all website book orders that don’t make it through the shopping cart process. I don’t know what kicks the Order to Cancel mode except that a payment card may have expired OR the exact number of the card wasn’t inputted right, OR...
The women (Dana & Sara) who filmed the BtE documentary have posted a follow-up on Mark Macomber. His family lives in PA and his garden is as old as the film (11-12yrs). Watch his 6min video on the testing of his garden soil. Want calcium in your soil? You have to...
After two SOLD OUT paperback print runs, we now have a Revised and Updated 2nd Edition of Paul Gautschi’s biography. People from all over the globe have waited years to get a copy to hold and read, Demand for a physical book got so bad that used books were...
After two years, death of my only sibling + executor duties, catching COVID-lite (praise God), the general pandemic pandemoneum, six rounds of editing, three rounds of pre-press, a one-month hold time in the printer’s queue, and a shipping delay…the NEW...
Hi Friends, I just talked to the rep at the printers (Brian). He confirmed that the 2nd edition print run should be done by Thursday, May 6th. That’s only 2 1/2 weeks away! When I get their Invoice and make the shipping payment, they will ship the pallet(s) to...
You all have been so patient! Thanks so much. Months ago, I asked Paul about whether to try and do a 3rd printing of the SOLD out original book. He encouraged me to consider a 2nd edition because he has learned so much in the last 5 years.The same amount of printing...