Hi Gang, Paul called me the other day to give me feedback on a Super Secret project I am working on. (Too early to give any details, but will update when I get positive feedback, OK?) He said a lady (Anna Sakawsky) came to his place to interview him, and as a result,...
YES!!! It’s here (or should I say “hear?” Available on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Growing-Food-Gods-Way-Gautschi/dp/B0CXDHQHQ2 and Audible https://www.audible.com/pd/Growing-Food-Gods-Way-Audiobook/B0CXDMJKZV. Friends, it’s 8 hours and 19...
Hey FOPs (friends of Paul), People are mostly using Amazon to get their paperbacks sent to them around the world, and that is exciting. For those who prefer to NOT be a part of the Amazon database, we offer the paperback on this site too! In fact, this is the only...
Today I got an email from Amazon: “Hello, Following our previous email, this is a reminder that we’re changing our fees on June 20, 2023, at 12:00 AM UTC, to better align with today’s cost to print books…. These changes will affect your royalties for...
As I posted on the Growing Food God’s Way Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/growingfoodgodsway Paul recently told me he plans to re-institute the Sunday Tours beginning with the 1st Sunday in June. Those should begin at 2:30pm and go for at least two...
According to today’s Monster Insight report, these are the 10 most active countries viewing the GFGW website of Paul Gautschi’s biography. SHOCKING! Not that USA was #1, but that Australia (the top foreign buyers of the book) is #10. How can that be?...