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by | Feb 4, 2022 | News

Recently, I worked with Amazon to offer the 2nd Ed paperback via Print on Demand (POD). They just started making it available @ $21.95. A week ago, if you sent to the GFGW Amazon page it would offer an eBook for $9.99 and a Used Book (1st Ed) for $116!!!

That made me look like I was asking that much for a book that cost $19.99 new! They said I would have to put my own paperbacks on to get rid of that exploitive used book seller, so that’s what I did and you can see that the $116 is gone. More importantly, ppl from many countries can order a paperback via Amazon and it ships within their own country!

Speaking of the eBook, some ppl were having some technical difficulties with reading it on certain devices and let Amazon know. They informed me and I, in turn, informed the publisher (who formatted the ePUB file for Amazon). Many weeks went by after Amazon locked access to the eBook. From Nov till Feb it’s Status was Unavailable. Yipes! I found out that the publisher’s emails to me were not getting through and they had sent me a replacement file to upload to KDP. We worked that out, I did upload, they had 6 issues with the new file, back to the publisher – who easily made the edits/deletion, and the 2nd new file was uploaded and Published! Whew!

This is the boring business stuff that authors get to deal with from time to time. But once it’s done it should last for a long time.

I finished ghostwriting a book last December, which means a new GW gig or I get to work on one of my own books (what a concept!). The PTSD book is still in the works as well as finalizing an Early Reader (ABC) book.

Be blessed, the days are getting longer again. DD