What a Time!
About 20-30 folks came out to Paul Gautschi’s garden the first Sunday in June. They were not disappointed. One couple came from Virginia!
The weather was ideal, and the Tour lasted from 2:30 till 6pm! Paul was the consummate, godly, mentoring, host. He gave out his asparagus and wanted folks to sample anything they had a mind to.
Look at the moisture of this asparagus head! The stalk was nice and tasty, but the head had a delightful nuttiness flavor. Mind you, I have never been an asparagus fan in the past, but after eating it at Pauls, I even had cooked asparagus a week or so later (went back for 2nds :0 )
Also, he invited all to try eating the flowers from his Lacinato kale.
The ladies, including my wife Phyllis, just stood around and nibbled on the flowers while Paul talked. I like them too. We miss this good stuff too much.
Paul sported a “Track With Me” hoody, the gift of a grateful recipient of his life and teachings. Indeed, he consistently points out that: “WE DON’T GET IT!” Then he shares what God has shown him…and readily admits that he needed to be shown.
Did I mention that Thatnub (AKA – L2survive) was there filming? That’s him in the shorts on the left. He has a great voice and his heart is for everyone to have a fabulous experience there in person, and there via video. He started posting the tour on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNRje-t6gqI
Many people are a bit shocked at the actual soil surface of Paul’s garden vs. the wood chipped orchard. Why is it Night & Day?
Well, because the original wood chips Paul used in the garden have all decomposed. Additionally, Paul has recovered the garden with his “chicken soil;” the biomass the chickens have naturally processed: plants, leaves, grass clippings, wood ashes, and old fruit. So it looks like amazing dark humus (because it is). Yet it can be walked on wet and the soil does not get the produce muddy. It comes out pretty clean.
Paul’s rooster was a gift from the Devine family last year. He had none, and we had about five rosters. I took the prettiest one to Paul’s as a young rooster. He is the picture of salvation. Why? Because he was heading for the chopping block (like the other 4 rooster pullets), but he was SAVED by being taken to Paul’s. Once there, he experienced rooster “heaven.” He had amazingly superior food (compared to what he was used to) and he had 25+ hens all to himself. I am pleased we have a small part in Paul’s soil processing and a big part in him eating fertilized eggs now and then. 🙂
GRACE: getting what you do not deserve. Every sinner that believes in Jesus Christ (Yeshua) is the recipient of God’s grace. We are getting something eternal that we did not earn. It is a FREE gift. Romans 6:23
We all got to see what is yet to come in Paul’s garden later this season. MANY strawberries on the way (should be ripe by his June 24th tour). Also many pears and apples for September. As you can see (above) many figs coming on too!
Plum Tired?
Near the end of 3 1/2 hours of standing and walking, someone asked Paul if he was tired out. He said: “No, this energizes me! I have more energy now than when we started.” Meanwhile, I saw two younger men that decided (soon after) to take a seat on Paul’s herb garden while he continued standing and answering questions. Hmmmm.
Thanks for reading this account of that special day. Remember, Paul has scheduled more special days each Sunday at 2:30pm.
411 Craig Road, Sequim, WA. Have a blast! DD