Featured in Homesteading Magazine: Paul’s Story

by | Dec 18, 2024 | News

Hi Gang, Paul called me the other day to give me feedback on a Super Secret project I am working on. (Too early to give any details, but will update when I get positive feedback, OK?)

He said a lady (Anna Sakawsky) came to his place to interview him, and as a result, he is in a feature article in the October Homesteading Magazine!
Issue 10: Homesteading Monthly — October 2024 – Homestead Living

One of the fun things about talking to Paul is that new things are going on with him all the time! So, when he said (oh by the way…) I knew something was up. Now, I haven’t read the article yet, but Paul said Anna did a fine job.

Well, the rest of our conversation had to do with that “Secret” project. Paul was unaware of it until Carol shared an email I sent to her, so we will just have to wait. I can ask you to pray the God will share Paul’s story with an entirely new audience (worldwide) that will bring glory to God!

So, the main growing season is over, and Paul has a cooler full of apples, as Fall makes its annual appearance in Sequim. Yes, Paul has root vegetables growing and such.

Please remember, this time of year is a good time to get wood chips. Weather permitting, you put the chips down where you want to use them and let the winter weather “season” the chips with rain and snow. All the while, the chips will be adding nutrients to your soil. DD