300 Books in Stock

by | Oct 12, 2015 | News


(Deep exhale) The delivery truck came and left a pallet at the Devine compound.

I want to thank all of you who have patiently waited for your book to come in the mail.

Particularly, I want to embody my thanks to Debby in West Virginia, who has waited the longest for her book.
And now her time has finally come, along with a host of others.

The shipping begins Tuesday, Oct. 13th. There are quite a few orders (US & International) to go out in the order received. We plan on getting caught up by the end of the week.

Now Hear This! The single & dbl books are packed in bubble-wrap mailers. The “sender” will be:
S&P Providers, LLC.  Please recognize this package when it arrives. Most books sent via USPS Media Mail package.

FINALLY, we will need to quit offering “Free Shipping” for continental US  shipments on the website. So if you need anymore or know a friend that would like to order a copy & save about $2, please order soon.  DD